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Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0


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J'ai un gros problème avec Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0...(Licence)

quand je fais un montage vidéo, il plante, je n'arrive pas à dépasser

les 6 minutes de montage. Message de windows 7 : mémoire insufisante...

Je suis obligé de faire des séquences de 5mn...

le film que je dois monter capacité environ 2 DVD..

Mon PC :

- Windows 7 - 64 Bits

- Processeur : Intel Core i7 2600 CPU 3.40GHz 3.70GHz LGA 1155 Turbo

- RAM 4.00Go

- 1 Disq Dur HD SSD 120Go

- 1 Disq Dur HD 2To 7300T Cache 64Mo

- Carte MERE GIGABYTE PH67 -UD3/S - 1155 4DDR3...

Je filme avec un Sony HDR-SR10 HANDYCAM Full HD 1080

Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre aide..

Jean Claude

Ile de la Réunion


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Utilises tu d’autres sources que celles issues de ton SR10 ?

Si oui lesquelles ?

Autre choses, ton OS est 64bits mais Platinium-10 est 32 bits (donc ne gère que 2G0 maxi).

Tu peux essayer ce truc (trouvé pas un des membres du forum :

Download "CFF Explorer" (just google it, it's free and safe) and install it. What CFF Explorer does is it can tweak ".exe" files and make them handle more than the standard 2 Gigabytes that all 32 bit applications usually handle on your PC.


These instructions are from a Sims 3 Forum where the 32 bit application for the game was also tweaked.

There are multiple ".exe" ending files in Vegas Pro, but tweaking just one of them apparently helps:

1) Download and install CFF Explorer(

2) Run the program, click the folder icon or go to FILE >> OPEN and browse your PC for the FileIOSurrogate.exe usually found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Vegas Pro 9.0\FileIOSurrogate.exe

IMPORTANT: Make a backup of your original exe because you will need to swap it back into your Vegas folder whenever you apply updates.

3) Click on "File Header" at the left, look at the list at the right and click the "Click here" blue button.

4) Tick "App can handle >2GB address space"

5) "Ok" that and save by clicking the disk icon or going to FILE >> SAVE. Overwrite the file when it asks you to.


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