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Tam Tam Digifestival - Call for Entries IPSE DIGIT


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Tam Tam Digifestival sponsors IPSE DIGIT, a competition reserved to digital audio-video productions.

Don’t delay; the contest has already started go to the official website today and visit the contests page to find out all you need to know about how to enter this exciting new contest from Tam Tam Digifestival and fill out the entry form.

If you have realized only by digital a videoclip, an Internet documentary, a mobile movie or a newsreel reportage, please send your work to: Coop. Tam Tam, Via Ugo Niutta 33, 80128 Naples - Italy.

It can last from one minute to one hour.

The competition is from October 1st to December 31st 2006. It will award 5 between the best works in each section (Digi Music, Fahrenheit Planet, Mobile Tales, By-Web-Movies). Winners will be notified by February 15th, 2007. If you have not been contacted by this date, you may assume that your entry is not a finalist. Winners entries will show during the second part of Festival (February 21st -25th 2007).

TTDF is entirely a non commercial event. Submitting the artwork is free of charge and by doing so you agree to Terms and Conditions of the competition. Works will not returned. The jury made of the members chosen by Tam Tam Digifestival founders will qualify selected artwork to the next stage of the competition. Jury: Giulio Gargia, Festival Director and journalist; Alberto Castellano, cine journalist - Il Mattino; Antonio Tricomi , performing and visual arts journalist - La Repubblica ( Napoli edition ); Pietro Piemontese, writer and essayist.

Festival Director: Giulio Gargia, Festival Organizer: Pietro Pizzimento .

Deadline: December 31,

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