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Batterie PANASONIC V720


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Comme indiqué dans l'excellent test de Thierry Philippon : (qui a été décisif dans mon choix), l'autonomie du V720 est relativement faible. Les batteries Panasonic sont très chères je trouve par rapport à la capacité.

Je me demandais si je pouvais prolonger la charge en utilisant une batterie externe par exemple :

Evidement, c'est un peut bricolo, un peu lourd (mais ça tient dans une poche) et ça ajoute un câble (pour info, le câble pour alimenter une PSP avec un USB fonctionne très bien pour recharger le V720 avec un ordi).

Pensez-vous que c'est jouable ?



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  • 4 semaines plus tard...

Apparemment c'est jouable... Enfin, un certain Treboros (activiste militant) a testé...

Lu sur ce site :

Hello all, I am newbee here and thought I would share some things. I am an activist/livestreamer near Oakland, CA and I had to chuckle when someone here wrote "i don't know why anyone would want to stream with this camera" or something like that so I decided to kinda jump in. First of all I have been lurking here for abit to get feedback regarding this cam because I have found it essential to not only be able to stream, but record HD on the fly; Many activists all over the world stream from their phones, and this has actually helped keep protesters safe by broadcasting and documenting brutal, violent and oppressive measures taken by overly militarized police - including America. There are times I will live stream anywhere from 2 to 5 hours, and what was holding me up on making a decision on this cam and several others was battery life and the inability to run it "hot" i.e., connected directly to a high-capacity battery. So I bit the bullet and bought the HC-V720 to experiment. I have a Tenergy 10,000mAh External Battery with a 2.1A output (I got it from Fry's electronics: that I use to power my phone and hotspots, and bought this DC power plug (which fits where the power supply attaches to the side of the cam) and then soldered it to a standard USB cable. I removed the proprietary battery from the cam and plugged it into my high-capacity battery and walahhhh it powered up just like it does when you are using the Panasonic A/C connector and am testing it. It has been running continuously for about 4 hours now with no puffs of smoke LOL! So the big test will be on Friday when I will be streaming Black Friday Walmart protests in the SF bay area and see how it holds up in real conditions. (btw the reason I removed the battery from the cam was to make sure I was truly running from the high-cap battery) I will let you all know how it goes tech wise, and I would not recommend this for peeps that are not "adventurous" or skilled at soldering very small things. and I make no guarantee this will not reduce the life of the cam, but so far the cam is moderately warm, nothing to be alarmed about and nothing warmer than would be expected for any device running for 4+ hours.

I hope you all find what I have to say useful :)

- Treboros

4 heures avec le V720... c'est pas mal.

Il faut enlevé la batterie et l'alimenter par le jack A/C 5.0 V (je jack de la PSP fonctionne)...

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  • 1 mois plus tard...


J'ai finalement acheté une batterie externe 10400 mAh avec deux sorties USB dont un 2A... ça marche très bien. Et surtout, c'est beaucoup moins cher que les batteries d'origine (j'ai payé 27,99 € au lieu des 113 € de batterie 3800 mAH de chez Panasonic).

Évidement ce n'est pas super ergonomique. c'est un peu lourd et encombrant... en plus l'alimentation du V720 est pas très bien placée (à droite) : ça gène un peu pour le maintien.

Je vais faire quelques tests...


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